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Welcome to Year 1 - Class 1

Teaching team:

Mrs L Baker
Class Teacher


Miss L Leaver
Class Teacher


Mrs N Pritchard

Welcome to Class 1

We are so excited for the Year 1 journey.


On our class page we will be giving you an insight to our learning through uploading pictures and information of what we have been up to. Our WHiSK sheets and curriculum newsletters are available to view on the website so you can see what we are learning each term.  Don't forget to follow us on X (@HillcrestAnston) and look out for those texts home when we need to share something lovely your child has done! 

Please ensure that your child's learning log is sent into school everyday, as they use them to help their learning in class.  Please continue to record your child's reading at home and return to school daily in your child's reading wallet so that your child may use the information sheets during their lessons.  Two reading books will be sent home in the wallet, one to practise their reading and a recommended read from our library to be shared. The children can earn dojos for regularly reading 4+ times per week, this needs to be recorded in the learning log.  We also set weekly spellings on spelling shed so we would love it if you can encourage your child to take part in the games on spelling shed, these spellings will change weekly. 


In Year 1, we are keen to promote and support the children into becoming more independent. We would appreciate your support in reminding children to take care over their belongings and ensuring that all belongings are clearly labelled. 


In Year 1, we do PE on Fridays so it is important that your child has the appropriate PE kit to be able to safely take part. We recommend that you regularly check that the clothes fit especially the trainers. Our PE kit is a white t-shirt, black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. 


During break times, children have access to free fruit within class but we also welcome healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables, rice cakes or similar. We would appreciate crisps and chocolate being left as part of a treat at home or within their packed lunch. We also remind you to be cautious that there are no nut products sent into school due to allergies - we are a nut free school. 

Furthermore, if you have any worries or concerns about your child. Please ensure that you speak to us as we are all keen to help your child thrive in Year 1. This can be on drop off and collections, phone call and email. 


Thank you in advance for your support.

Miss Leaver, Mrs Baker and Mrs Pritchard. 

Our Class Charter
Class 1 Charter.jpeg
Our school week:
Teaching Team
Mrs Baker & Mrs Pritchard
Learning logs & reading books
Mrs Baker
Learning logs & reading books
Miss Leaver & Mrs Pritchard
Learning logs & reading books
Miss Leaver & Mrs Pritchard
Learning logs & reading books. Thursday is book change day!
Miss Leaver
PE kits, learning logs, reading books
Learning in Year 1:


Pathfinders Happily Ever After

Autumn Term Learning




Ways to help your child

Year 1 Phonics Meeting Power Point  Intro to Phase 5

Year 1 Phonics Screening Support and Information

Supporting your child

This term in Class 1:
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